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Week of 12/5/16

Published Dec. 6, 2016, 12:28 p.m.

Math: There will be a decimal math quiz on Wednesday, 12/716.

To prepare for the quiz, students should complete the attached study guide on myHomework. The answer key is on Google Drive in the Learning Center Notes 2016 folder/Math Learning Center/Decimals (students only need to do the first 2 pages).

Students should also complete the following practice lessons on Khan Academy

1) Practice: Decimal place value names
2) Practice: Value of a decimal digit
3) Practice: Compare decimals through thousandths
4) Practice: Order decimals
5) Practice: Round decimals 1
6) Practice: Rewrite fractions as decimals

Science: We just began a unit on Waves.

Social Studies: There will be an Early Humans open book quiz on Friday, 12/9/16. Students must bring the following materials to class on Friday, and any notes from the iPad must be printed out.
- Early Humans Vocabulary Chart
- Timeline and Chronological Order Handout
- Hominid Notes Chart
- Learning to Farm Handout
- Learning to Farm Reading
- Early Humans Timeline (on the receipt paper)
- Lucy Article (on your iPad, must be printed)

ELA: Students are working on their personal narrative.

Important Upcoming Dates:
12/7 Start of Trimester 2
12/14 Delayed Opening
12/25-1/2 No School, Holiday Break
1/3 First Day Back to School