Lesson Details

Outbreak Questions

2nd Semester 2019

Health 4th Period


Feb. 1, 2019

Additional Info
1.In the film, we see a progression of laboratory safety levels at the U.S.Army Medical research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, M
aryland. Below is a description of each level. As one
progresses from level to level, describe the differences shown and the procedures and safety methods observed.
A. Biosafety Level 1 (BS1)-Minimum biohazard; study of low risk infectious agents:Pneumococcus, and Salmonella.

B. Biosafety Level 2 (BS2)-Moderate biohazard; infectious agents: hepatitis, Lyme Disease, and Influenza.

C.Biosafety Level 3 (BS3)-High biohazard; multiple vaccinations required; infectious agents: infectious agents: anthraz, typhus, and HIV.

D. Biosafety Level 4 (BS4)-Extreme biohazard; maximum security; high virulent; no known cures or vaccines; infectious agents: Ebola, Lassa, and Hanta viruses.

2. Why were Sam Daniels and his crew sent to the Motaba Valley, Zaire?

3.How did the mystery disease get to the Motaba Valley?

4. (A)What are the characteristics of the mystery disease?
(B) Why was it said that the virus was contained?

5. Why did Casey show so much concern about the small tear in Daniels' suit as they were about to enter the BS4 area of the lab?

6. Why was the Motaba Virus so dangerous after it mutated?

7. What measures were taken in Cedar Creek to contain the outbreak?

Thinking outside of the movie
Explain your answers to following questions.
8.If a virus, just like the Motaba virus in the movie, were to break out in a New York City, do you think it would be acceptable to do what the government had planned?

9. Consider your answer to the last question. Would your opinion change if the lives of the rest of USA depended on it?

10. Do you think it is okay to sacrifice human life for the benefit of other humans?