Assignment Details

Personal Inventory



Date Due

Feb. 11, 2020

Additional Info
Assignment due on 2/13/20
It is completely normal to feel anxious or depressed at times.  Usually, these feelings are short-lived and related to a specific situation, such as a move to a new school or a disagreement with a friend.
Use the following questions to assess how you cope with feelings of anxiety or depression.  Consider each statement below.  Write Always, Often, Sometimes, or Never to describe how often the statement describes your thoughts or behaviors.  

1. Once I get depressed, I cannot seem to get out of it.
2.  I feel sad more often than I feel happy or content.
3.  I cannot figure out exactly what is bothering me.
4.  Things I used to enjoy do not interest me anymore.
5.  Getting to sleep at night is a problem for me.
6.  I wake up feeling sad or anxious.
7.  I have trouble concentrating on my work.
8.  I feel tired most of the time.
9.  I worry about bad things happening to me.
10. I have a lot of trouble making up my mind.
11.  I do not want to be around other people.
12.  I feel isolated from other people.
13.  I find it hard to keep appointments and make plans.
14.  It is difficult for me to express how I feel.
15.  Other people seem to enjoy life more than I do.
16.  I withdraw from others when I feel sad.
17.  I eat far to much or far to little.