Project Details
(optional) RE-DO Frequency and Wavelength Graphing Problem RE-DO #Project
Date Due
Feb. 14, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
Additional Info
If you choose to re-do the graph, you must re-do the entire graph, and it will be regraded as a whole. You should get graph paper from the classroom, like you did the first time, and upload a picture of the redone work here.
If there are other parts that were incorrect on the assignment, you can just re-do those parts. You can get 1/2 the points back for a correct re-do.
(Basically, I average your score on the re-do with your original score.)
If you got 21.5 or below, you are required to re-do.
Here is the Phet link: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/wave-on-a-string/latest/wave-on-a-string_en.html)
30 points