Assignment Details

What about Nubia? (#HW)


Social Studies - Dunleavy 24-25

Date Due

March 5, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

We will read the text excerpt called "Kerma - Correcting the Story" together as a whole class. Then, if needed, watch the 2 videos about Nubia below (we watched one of them together in class yesterday). Based on what you have learned about Nubia, thoughtfully answer the question in the google doc below.  Your writing needs to be in paragraph form (at least 5-7 sentences) AND incorporate 2 pieces of evidence from the sources. DUE by the end of the day today (Wednesday 3/5)
Ancient Nubia Now: How Egyptologists Removed Ancient Egypt from Africa
Ancient Nubia Now: Nubia, Egypt, and the Concept of Race
Ancient Nubia Now: How Egyptologists Removed Ancient Egypt from Africa - YouTube
Ancient Nubia Now: Nubia, Egypt, and the Concept of Race - YouTube