Assignment Details

Mesopotamian Empires Slides Presentation (#HW)


Social Studies - Dunleavy 24-25

Date Due

Jan. 13, 2025, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

1. You are going to have ONE person in your group make a copy of the Google slides Template below.  2. Rename the slides with the name of your empire and block (example: Sumerians Block A) 3. Then, share it with everyone in the group. This is a collaborative & cooperative Google Slides presentation - it is NOT one person's responsibility to do it all. Break up the slides so that each group member is in charge of one of the four research topics (write your name on the slide you are in charge of): Geography Date Range & End of Empire Leaders/Rulers Legacies/Achievements *You will ALL work on the Title slide and Artifacts slide. (If you have three people in your group, one person can do two slides topics OR your can all work on the 4th one together) The topic that you are in charge of is also going to be the one that you present and talk about in your group presentation. ***When your slides are completely done, the same ONE person who made the copy of the slides (the document owner), is going to be the ONLY ONE to attach it to this assignment and turn it in.  ***Everyone else in the group should click "Mark as Done" and write in the comments the name of your group member who turned it in. DUE by the end of the day on MONDAY 1/13