Assignment Details

9/15 Latitude and Longitude Practice/Review #HW


Social Studies - Ms. Dunleavy

Date Due

Sept. 16, 2022, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

1. Complete the Latitude-Longitude Note Sheet in class, you can work with your desk group. Try and figure out the answers for each section discussing it with your group first. If you need help, you can use the Map Skills resources attached below. 2. Label all of the parts of the World map on the back (practice for continents and oceans). Do this independently! You are testing yourself for the quiz next week :) 3. Complete both sides of the Latitude and Longitude practice sheet. You can work with your group or independently. *Check your answers when you're done with the Answer Key at the back of the room. Take pictures of all your sheets when done and turn in here! Keep the sheets in your social studies folder.