Lesson Details
ELA Lesson 3.4.25
March 5, 2025
Additional Info
Please start class by independently and silently completing the following (if not yet completed): Greek God/Goddess BioPopem. This is homework if you do not complete this during class today.
Independently, silently listen to the Creation Myth with headphones (audio of the story is linked on the Google Doc) and answer the questions in the right column. After reading the whole story, and answering all the questions, go back to the first page and answer 1 of 2 questions listed in full sentences.
Creation Myth is not homework if you do not finish it in class today. However, it will become homework tomorrow night, Thursday night.
Done with everything listed above? Work on the Origin Myths and then the Cautionary Myths Doc.
Please be kind and respectful to the substitute in the classroom. You can always email me if you have specific questions or concerns.